Friday, October 12, 2007

Our day trip to the "old mine"

Future Miners?....Maybe in sports!

It's been a couple of weeks since our trip, but here are a few pictures. I tried to find the old picture from when Faith was a baby, but I couldn't. :( As you can see, Brady we thrilled with the underground tour. Ha,ha!

This week was busy with work and other things. I had a training on conducting vision screenings (very interesting...yawn) and a staff meeting as well as a few home-visits. I am still waiting to hear about an early ed position that would put me into a classroom and allow me to have summers off. There is a hang up in HR (someone else, not me), but I'd rather have them dot all there i's and cross all there t's rather than offer me the job and then change their mind.

Nate's on afternoons, but I have kept busy. Chad and Heidi's kids came over tonight and we had their famous "Pizza Movie Night." And, tomorrow Faith is being rewarded for good behavior and we will be going swimming at the "Y." Fun, fun!

Faith is doing well, but ever since my maternity leave she would much rather I was a stay-at-home mom. Sometimes I wonder myself. Today Brady seemed to be back to himself as compared to the last month and a half. I am still bringing him to the chiropractor to see if a gentle adjustment wouldn't help. His appetite is great, he ate an entire jar of 3rd step lasagna tonight!! And, he loved my Seafood Fettuccine Alfredo the other day.

Hope the weekend is nice! It has been in the 40's and 30's here (way different than the upper 80's last week).

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