Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Stomach Crud Strikes Again!

Just when I hoped there was a "mercy call" for how many times your kids can have the stomach flu in one year, it hit us again. :( As I mentioned the other day, Faith got the bug. And now Brady is sick. This is the third time since November for Faith and fourth time for Brady (one time may have just been teething). This is when, as a mother, I wish I could take it from them and go through it instead. Don't get me wrong...I don't want it....especially now that both of them have made it "to the other side" of the virus!
This is the second Sunday in a row I have missed church. We missed Easter Sunday because when I got to the highway, the roads were so bad, it would have taken us over a half-an-hour to even get to church. Nathan was working last week, so he is going this week. Besides, his schedule only allows for him to go twice a month.
Enough of my woes! I am thanking God this morning because I have two beautiful children, a wonderful husband, and now, we even have a dog. :) It is so easy to count your blessings when you are praying for others in much more dire situations. If you think of it, please pray for a baby of an acquaintance of mine. She is in the NICU and it looks like she may be developing pneumonia. Sounds like the stay is going to be quite a bit longer than Brady (2-3 weeks), so I can only imagine the stress they are under (imagine the families that have children in for months on end :( ). Also, Nathan has a co-worker with a 13-year-old son that has an undiagnosed, life-threatening medical condition.
As usual, I hope this message finds your family healthy and well.
God Bless!!

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